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Potential Space, Group Exhibition, Noga Gallery For Contemporary Art

Potential Space, group exhibition, Noga Gallery for contemporary Art

The term “Potential Space” (intermediate area) is taken from the theory formulated by psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott. According to Winnicott, the potential space stretches between existence that is detached from reality to one that holds on to reality. The term delineates a third mental realm, a place of encounter between Inner and Outer Reality. Neither external nor internal, this space is a nebulous intermediate zone where subjective experience and creative life unfold. A dynamic realm of play and creativity, where the cultural experience takes shape. As an intrinsically indefinite realm, this space lends itself to new discoveries.

The term serves as a conceptual basis for the exhibition, where the potential space is given complex interpretation, drawing on the tension between the three states. The six works featured in it offer a personal take on this concept, while each address it in its own unique way, presenting disparate and diverse readings.


Architect, New Media Artist, Designer and Educator. Founder of LinC Studio, Senior lecturer at H.I.T at the Integrated Design, M.Des faculty and Interior design department.

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